Tuesday, July 21, 2009

101 Things To Do In 1001 Days

Through the years I've created lists of things I want to accomplish during a specific time period. Sometimes, I would accomplish everything on my lists and sometimes, I would forget about the list shortly after it was created.  This list is by far my most challenging.  I've told so many people about it that I HAVE TO POST IT.  I'm committed to finishing everything on this list. Completion Date is:  Monday, April 23, 2012.  This is not an original idea.  I was inspired to do this by a friend I met on twitter and subsequently convinced her to do the 40 mile Avon Walk for Breast Cancer with me. Thanks SarahInMI for being such an inspiration. Here goes....

1.  Bake cookies for a neighbor.
2.  Do 100 sit-ups everyday for 3 months. 
3.  Do the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in 2010.
4.  Give a co-worker flowers anonymously.
5.  Read 100 books.
6.  Launch my website.
7.  Buy a kayak.
8.  Serve food to the homeless on a holiday.
9.  Write a letter to my son Billy and tell him wonderful he is and how I feel about him.
10. Write a letter to my husband Dan and tell him how wonderful he is and how I feel about him.
11. Take a picture everyday for 365 days.
12. Renew my passport.
13. Travel to Ireland.
14. Explore New York.
15. Go without TV for one week.
16. Sell 10 photos on Etsy or iStockphoto.
17. Learn Spanish.
18. Journal everyday for one year.
19. Take the train to work for 6 months.
20. Bring my lunch to work for 3 months.
21. Start a blog. 
22. Go to Carthage and visit Barbara and Tom.
23. Go to Carmi and visit Gerarda and Dave.
24. Have a gallery showing of my photographs.
25. Give up Starbucks for one month.
26. Take creative photography class.
27. Buy Starbucks for a stranger.
28. Buy $10 worth of lottery tickets for a stranger.
29. Take a martial arts class.
30. Sell my house.
31. Print note cards of my photos to sell.
32. Pay with cash for 6 months.
33. Make Cioppino (fish soup).
34. Do a will.
35. Buy a decent folding umbrella.
36. Make pie crust from scratch.
37. Take a cooking class.
38. Sell purses I don't use.
39. Drink 32 oz. of water everyday for one month.
40. Pick-up every penny I see.
41. Do a triathlon.
42. Go to 2 parks and pick up all the garbage.
43. Send note, letter, card to someone every month for one year.
44. Set lofty goal for Avon fundraising.
45. Go to church.
46. Clean dad, granna and grandpa's graves and leave flowers.
47. Lay in grass and watch clouds.
48. Don't spend any money one week a month for 6 months.
49. Clean bags of lavender.
50. Learn to meditate
51. Go to The Art Institute.
52. Go on romantic weekend with Dan.
53. Do random act of kindness once a month for 12 months.
54. Help Joe with his book.
55. Say a prayer everyday.
56. Get lasik surgery.
57. lose 15 lbs.
58. Write a poem.
59. Memorize 5 poems.
60. Save $10,000
61. Have a picnic on a lake.
62. Buy a leica camera.
63. Write a letter to dad.
64. Write a thank you letter to someone in the service industry.
65. Inspire one other person to create this list.
66. Fly a kite.
67. Take 50 pictures of Dan.
68. Take 25 self portraits.
69. Buy new undies.
70. Throw or give away 101 things I no longer use/need.
71.  Take pictures of nursing home residents and give picture to family members.
72. Read one of the classics I haven't read.. 
73. Go on the ferris wheel at Navy Pier.
74. Take a picture of the BEAN when no one is around.
75. Watch a sunrise.
76. Take Landmark Communication Course
77. Watch Alexis, Zoe, and new baby for Doc & Angel so they can go to dinner.
78. Watch 10 documentaries.
79. Compliment 50 people.
80. Send flowers to an old friend.
81. Buy and drink a $50 bottle of wine...with Dan.
82. Do not go on Facebook, Twitter or my blog for one week.
83. Write a letter to the President.
84. Run 1/2 marathon.
85. Get really good at yoga.
86. Swim with dolphins.
87. Enter a photo contest.
88. Take picture of 50 people I don't know smiling.
89. Take advanced photoshop class.
90. Tip someone $100, just because.....
91.  Adopt a family for Christmas.
92. Mend a relationship.
93. Learn a new word a week, okay and use it in a sentence. 
94. Go to Maine.
95. Make Dan his favorite dinner (including dessert) once a month for 1 year.
96. Secret goal.
97. Spend a day alone in Chicago taking pictures.
98. Plant a tree in someone's name.
99. Buy and give a camera to 5 kids.
100. Do something that someone asks me to do that I don't want to do.
101. Keep a photo journal of completed tasks.


  1. Very encouraging post...I like!

  2. Love this - but... #25 is just crazy talk!

  3. Debbie. You are amazing. Simply amazing.

  4. Impressive! Can't wait to see you (see #23).
